If you think domestic violence is all about getting physical, you cannot be more wrong. Domestic violence can and often does take many forms, not simply physical abuse. So, to put it simply, domestic violence can include coercion, seclusion, and other tactics. What happens is that the abuser tries to gain power and control over the victim, which has an impact on both adults and children in the relationship. Domestic violence in any form is unacceptable and damaging, so reach out to a domestic violence attorney if you need help.
Here are some ways domestic violence can manifest:
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Physical abuse:
Domestic violence that involves physical abuse is quite obvious and includes shoving, hitting, striking, and using weapons. It is important to note that other types of abuse, such as verbal and emotional abuse, can lead to or escalate into physical violence, putting the victim/survivor’s life in danger.
Domestic abuse in the form of intimidation seeks to control the victim by instilling fear in them. It involves shouting, making obscene gestures, trashing property, brandishing weapons, driving recklessly, stalking, and initiating unwanted contact.
Domestic violence uses coercion and threats to get the victim to do what the abuser wants. Threats of self-injury, interference with religious rituals, fabrication of information, coercion to withdraw charges, harm to family members, and involvement of the victim in criminal activity are examples of tactics.
Sexual abuse:
Unwanted sexual contact, compulsion, guilt-tripping, forcing particular sexual actions, and non-consensual circumstances like while dozing off or under the influence of alcohol are all examples of sexual abuse in partnerships. It can happen in unions and partnerships.
Verbal abuse:
Name-calling, insults, mockery, and demeaning remarks about the victim’s appearance, accomplishments, and beliefs, as well as silencing the victim, all constitute verbal abuse in domestic violence.
Emotional abuse:
Emotional abuse can come in the form of silent treatment, downplaying worries, gaslighting, humiliation, invoking jealousy or guilt-tripping, and manipulating love or goodwill.
When it comes to domestic violence, the victim is made to cut off social networks, relationships, and friends. Sometimes the perpetrator even has their whereabouts tracked. This may also entail monitoring their spending, telling them what to wear, denying them access to a car or driver’s license, or imposing curfew-like restrictions.
Final thoughts:
If you feel any of the following has been happening to you, you should reach out to an attorney to explain your case.